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How do I download an ebook from Ebook Central?

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Downloading an Ebook Central ebook to your device

Ebook central logoStep 1:

Apple or Android tablets and smartphones: Download and install the Adobe Digital Editions app from the App Store or Google Play Store.

PC or Mac: Download and install Adobe Digital Editions to your computer.

Step 2:

Create an Adobe ID.  Click the "Get an Adobe ID" link at the bottom of the screen.  All of PVCC's Ebook Central ebooks have Adobe DRM protection on them to protect their copyright, which is why you need to create this ID.  

Step 3:

Authorize the device where you will read the ebook with your Adobe ID account.  

Apple or Android tablets and smartphones: In the app, click the menu button and go to "Settings."  Click the Authorize link, and login using the account you just created.

PC or Mac: Open Adobe Digital Editions, and select Help > Authorize Computer.  Login using the account you just created.

Step 4:

Go to Ebook Central's ebooks and find the book you want to read.  Select "Read Online."  (Note: You will need to select Read Online before Full Download).

Step 5:

Click the "Full Download" icon or the "Chapter Download" icon.  Follow the prompts to download the ebook.  

full book and chapter download icons

Apple or Android tablets and smartphones: When the pop-up appears, click "Open In" and then select "Copy to Adobe Digital Editions."  

PC or Mac:  Open the .acsm file "URLLink."  Enjoy reading!



  • If you download Adobe Digital Editions to your computer and also put the app on your phone, the ebook will appear on both devices as long as you've authorized them with the same Adobe ID account.
  • A few other apps will also read the Adobe DRM ebooks, including Bluefire Reader.  
  • In order to return the book early, you must have Adobe Digital Editions installed on your computer. The Adobe Digital Editions app does not have that functionality (although Bluefire Reader does).  In Adobe Digital Editions installed on your computer, right-click on the cover and click "Return Borrowed Item."
  • You CANNOT download Ebook Central ebooks to a regular Kindle.  This is due to the Adobe DRM protection.  You can download them to a Kindle Fire.