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Multimedia and Images Playbook

This playbook offers links to a variety of videos, audio clips and images. Modified with permission from Denise Woetzel, J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College.

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This playbook is a handy list of places to go for multimedia, including video, audio clips and images. Some of the resources may be licensed by the library, thereby requiring you to login with your MyPVCC username and password when off campus; others are freely available on the Web.



Copyright Issues

Most things on the Web are copyrighted, unless they specifically say otherwise, even audio clips, video clips and pictures. Just because it's on the Web does not mean that it's free, or that you are free to use it however you wish. 

Before downloading or using media, check for any copyright and usage restrictions.  Most Web sites provide information and guidelines for the downloading or use of media contained on the site.  If a picture or clip is labeled as being in the public domain, then you may use it however you wish. Some sites may license their media under a Creative Commons license. These licenses explicitly state what you are allowed to do.  Just look for a symbol like this:

creative commons

Remember -- It is your responsibility to follow the guidelines for the use of media from individual Web sites.

For more information on copyright and fair use, see the library's Copyright Playbook
