Looking for sources? Search EBSCO or QuickSearch.
Use the Find Articles search box on the library's home page to search select databases from EBSCO, our largest multi-disciplinary database, or click on the direct link above the search box. (If you use the direct link, click Select/deselect all and then Continue.)
EBSCO searches every word of every article, so be very specific with your search terms. For best results, use concrete nouns and Boolean operators like AND, OR, or NOT. See the example below.
From the results list, select articles of interest. Read the abstracts for a summary of the article and pay attention to the subjects. The subjects tell you what the article is actually about and can be helpful if you need alternative search terms.
To narrow your results, add additional search terms and/or use the Filters.
When you find an article of interest, pay attention to these areas:
Watch this Research Minute video to learn how to search EBSCO.