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How do I search New England Journal of Medicine?

Find articles from this premier medical journal.

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Search New England Journal of Medicine

Step 1:

Access New England Journal of Medicine. (If you're off-campus, you will be prompted to login with your myPVCC username and password).  


Step 2:

Enter your search terms in the search box, and click search.

search box


Step 3:

Review your results.  Pay attention to both the type of source (perspective, original article, editorial, etc.) and the date.  If you professor requires a "peer-reviewed article," then stick to the "original articles."  Given that medicine is a rapidly-changing field, the date of the article is also important.  Our access to the New England Journal of Medicine goes back to 1990.

results: perspective, original article, editorial


Step 4:

Click the title of the source to read it, and then click the PDF button to download it.

PDF button to download article



  • Sometimes when you search for a topic, you will see yellow bar below the search box that says "Find more here."  Click the "here" to see a collection of articles on that topic.
    red box around here link
  • The Topics page is also useful if you're struggling to find a topic for your paper, and you need to brainstorm.
    red box around topics link