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Click the "Sign in" button in the top right corner.
Login with your myPVCC username and password. (Note: Only PVCC students, faculty, and staff can renew items online. If you are a community member, please call the library at 434-961-5308 to renew over the phone).
Click your name in the top right corner and then "My Loans."
Click the Renew button next to the book you want to renew. (Note: If you do not see a renew button next to the item, then it cannot be renewed. This could be because someone else has requested the item or it's overdue. If it's less than 28 days overdue and during the semester, you can call the library at 434-961-5308 and we will renew it over the phone. If you have already received a bill for the item or it's the end of the semester, you must return the book the library, and if no one else has requested it, then we will check it out to you again).
If the item is successfully renewed, a new due date will be listed and it will say "Renewed" next to the item.