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EDU 200 Assignment Playbook

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Find & Research Topics

Finding peer-reviewed articles

Peer-reviewed articles (also called refereed articles) are those that have gone through an editorial process that assures quality research.

Finding peer-reviewed articles can be done by using the EBSCO database, which provides a filter that allows the user to only get results that are peer-reviewed.

Screen shot showing ebsco's peer-reviewed filter

But what if the database you're using doesn't have a way to filter results so you only get peer-reviewed articles? When that happens, your best bet is to use UlrichsWeb Global Serials Directory, which allows you to search for a journal and see whether it is peer-reviewed.  To learn how to use this directory, see the tutorial.

Let's Practice!

[1] Are these articles from peer-reviewed journals? Use UlrichsWeb to find out. The journal titles are in italics.

Brodie, J.M. (2009). New report questions charter school effectiveness. Education Daily, 42(110), 1-3.

Carruthers, C.K. (2012). New schools, new students, new teachers: Evaluating the effectiveness of charter schools. Economics of Education Review , 31(2), 280-292.

Grosskopf, S., Hayes, K.J., & Taylor, L.L. (2009). The relative efficiency of charter schools. Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 80(1), 67-87.

[2] Find peer-reviewed articles for your assignment.

Using the education databases (Eric, Education Research Complete), find 2 peer-reviewed articles for your selected topic.

Topic Ideas

Having trouble finding a topic? Here are some suggestions.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion

Teaching controversial issues/topics

Sex education

Cell phone use in schools

School funding

Mental health issues

Nutrition/School lunches

School vouchers

Post pandemic learning

Campus safety/Lockdowns

After school programs

Charter schools

Gifted programs

Standardized testing

Online learning

Literacy issues


Prayer in schools

AI and academic dishonesty (cheating)

Sexual abuse/assault

Book banning

LGBTQIA issues

Parents’ rights groups

Violence, hate speech


Images & Graphic Design

Use freely available images and graphic design resources to create professional materials for your projects.

Build a Website with Google Sites

Google Sites logoTo build a simple website for your assignment, use Google Sites. Google Sites is fairly easy to use, but, if you need some training, the tutorial created by Google is a useful learning tool.