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Library Session Materials for ENG 111: Finding Sources Using the Libary Homepage
This playbook contains materials to help ENG 111 students learn how to find sources using the library homepage.
This playbook assumes students have done at least the first 3 modules of the Information Literacy Modules tutorial in Canvas. If they have not, it is strongly recommended they do before proceeding.
Finding Sources Using the Library's Home Page
See the tutorial attached below to learn how to use the Jessup Library's home page to find sources for assignments.
Before working on this tutorial, review the Information Literacy Modules in Canvas. All ENG 111 students have access to this mandatory tutorial.
For more help and information, contact your instructor, or contact the librarians at
Source evaluation is as important as source selection, as the quality of the sources determines the quality of the product, and sloppy sources produce a sloppy paper.
The CRAAP method of evaluating sources provides a handy tool to help you select good sources.
Please review the source evaluation information in the Information Literacy Modules, then view the Research Minute: CRAAP Method video below.
ResearchMinute Video: CRAAP Method
Watch this ResearchMinute video to learn how to use the CRAAP method of source evaluation.