Looking for sources? Search EBSCO or QuickSearch.
This playbook contains resources for the presentation for GOL 111.
You must deliver a presentation about a topic related to oceanography. Some topics from past presentations are listed below.
Algae as Biofuel - Anglerfish - Aquaculture - Aquatic Locomotion - Bay of Fundy - Bermuda Triangle - Bikini Atoll - Bioluminescence - Coccolithophores - Deep Sea Vents - Great Barrier Reef - Great Pacific Garbage Patch - Gulf Stream - Hurricanes - Hydrothermal Vents - Ocean Acidification - Octopuses - Offshore Drilling - Rogue Waves - Sharks - Shipwrecks - Tsunamis - Whales (blue, killer, etc.)
Use QuickSearch to find books, both in print and electronic, about your topic.
Some print books:
The Sea and Civilization: A Maritime History of the World.
The Conquest of the Ocean: The Illustrated History of Seafaring.
The Wave: In Pursuit of the Rogues, Freaks, and Giants of the Ocean.
Some electronic books:
A History of the World in Sixteen Shipwrecks.
To find quality articles, use the EBSCO database. To search the database, use nouns, preferably joined by AND. To find specific phrases, place the phrase in quotation marks.
For the highest quality research, select the Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals limiter.
Example searches:
Use search engines Google or Bing strategically to find better sources.
Good sites for some of the topics for this presentation are PBS.org and National Geographic. To use Google or Bing to search those sites, format the search this way (pay attention to the punctuation marks):
term(s) site:pbs.org
term(s) site:nationalgeographic.com
shipwrecks site: nationalgeographic.com
Use this formatting for any other site -- follow the examples above. This search format works the same way on Google and on Bing.