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How do I search Kanopy?

Learn how to find documentaries and independent films.

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Search Kanopy

Step 1:

Access Kanopy. (If you're off-campus, you will be prompted to login with your myPVCC username and password)


Step 2:

Enter your search terms in the box at the top.  A list of possible videos will appear; click one if it looks useful.  If not, hit the Enter key or click "View all results."

search box


Step 3:

After selecting the video, click Play to watch it. 

play button

Step 4:

One thing to note is that many videos in Kanopy are part of a larger collection.  For example, "The Sombrero Galaxy: An Island Universe" is actually part of a documentary series called Experiencing Hubble released by The Great Courses company.  You can see other videos in the collection below the video:

other videos in series listed below the episode



  • Want to access Kanopy through the app on your phone or tablet?  Instructions are here: How do I watch videos on Kanopy through the app?
  • Need subtitles?  Click the CC icon on the video for subtitles:
    toggle captions
  • Need a transcript of the video?  Click the "...More" button and then Transcript:
    click on more button for transcript