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How do I find out if the library has a specific article?

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Find a specific article

Step 1:

Get all the relevant details of your article/citation.  For example, here's an article citation: 

Richter, Sebastian, et al. “A Remoteā€controlled Observatory for Behavioural and Ecological Research: A Case Study on Emperor Penguins.” Methods in Ecology & Evolution, vol. 9, no. 5, May 2018, pp. 1168–1178.

Step 2:

Go to the QuickSearch homepage, and click "Search for a specific article."

search for specific article


Step 3:

Enter those details into the Citation Seach fields.  Make sure "Article" is selected at the top.

citation search box


Step 4:

Click Submit and see what comes up. Look in the "View Online" section for a link to a database to download the article.  In the example below, you would click the "Wiley Online Library Database Model 2017" to access your article.

view online to download article


If it's not available, then click the "Not available? Request it." link to ask us to get it from another library for you.  

not available request link




  • Sometimes the Citation Search won't work correctly if you input too much information.  Try removing the author and the start/end pages and search again.  If it still comes up as unavailable, then request it.  
  • Contact a librarian if you're really stuck!