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How do I identify fake news?

This playbook will help you develop the skills to evaluate the reliability and accuracy of oral, print, and digital media; recognize bias in news reporting; and, identify fake news reporting and the use of click-bait titles.

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Module Outcomes

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • apply various fact-checking techniques
  • identify fake news sources


Identifying Fake News

How to Spot Fake News

consider source; check author, date, your biases; read beyond; supporting sources; is it a joke; ask experts



  • Approach news sources with a healthy level of skepticism, but not paranoia.
  • Read! A lot...Are other news outlets reporting on the story?
  • When you evaluate a news story, read laterally! This can save you a lot of time!
  • If you primarily read news through social media platforms, beware. You are in an echo chamber. Read a variety of perspectives so you don't just read those articles that align with and confirm your confirmation bias.
  • Check out the sources for yourself. Watch the video or read the statement, and double check for any editing or alterations.
  • Don't share stories through social media without attempting to validate the story's legitimacy.
  • Checking for validity is easy when you use the fact-checking sources below.
  • Familiarize yourself with fake or biased news sites. Here is a list of biased news sites, compiled by Melissa Zimdars. 

Fact Checking Tools

Example Assignments/Lesson Plans