Looking for sources? Search EBSCO or QuickSearch.
Access ERIC. This website is maintained by the US Department of Education. Note: You may get an alert saying the site is not secure. It should be safe to continue, but use your own judgment. If you prefer, search it within EBSCO.
Enter your search terms in the search box. Select "Full text available on ERIC" to limit your results to only those where you can download the article or report. You can also select "Peer reviewed only," but there are many reports written by government agencies in this database. These would be scholarly and appropriate sources for research papers, but they aren't technically "peer reviewed." Only select this if your professor has specifically required "peer reviewed journal articles." (These are articles that have been reviewed by a panel of experts before being published).
Click Search, and review your results. Pay special attention to the date of the article or report. Some will date back to the 1960s. When you want to read the entire article, click the "Download full text" button.