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How do I search Facts on File: Issues and Controversies?

Learn how to find sources for a paper on a controversial topic.

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Search Facts on File: Issues and Controversies

Step 1:

Access Facts on File: Issues and Controversies. (If you're off-campus, you will be prompted to login with your myPVCC username and password)


Step 2:

Enter your search terms in the box at the top, and click Search.

search box


Step 3:

A list of results will appear.  Note that the results default to the "Articles" tab.  When you're on this tab, look for a "Pro/Con Article" and take note of the date of the article.  For some topics (not all), it will be important that the article contains the most updated information.  If it's 5-10 years old, then it may be out of date.    

under articles tab check recent date of pro/con articles


Step 4:

Click the title of the Pro/Con Article you want to read.  The Table of Contents on the left of the article will help you navigate through it.  The "Supporters Argue" and the "Opponents Argue" sections will be most useful.

supporters and opponents argue sections under table of contents

Step 5:

Go back to the search results and click the "Media" tab.  Then click "Debate Videos" to watch a video where two people debate this issue.  Again, take note of the date of the video.  It may be too old to be relevant.

under media tab check for recent dates of debate videos



  • If you're not finding what you need or if you're still deciding on a research topic, you can also browse all the issues in the database by scrolling to the bottom of the homepage:
    bottom of homepage lists all issues by subject
  • This database also has some editorials and news articles.  Editorials are opinions written in newspapers or magazines, where the author takes one side of the issue.  As with the other sources, make sure you note the date of the editorial or news article.  You can find these after you do a search, and then click "Editorials" or "News" from the list of tabs:
    editorials and news tabs