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How do I search IOPscience Journals and Ebooks?

Learn how to search this database.

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Search IOPscience Journals and Ebooks

Step 1:

Access IOPscience Journals and Ebooks. (If you're off-campus, you will be prompted to login with your myPVCC username and password).  


Step 2:

Enter your search terms in the search box, and click search.

search box


Step 3:

Review your results.  You will get a combination of books, book chapters, and articles.  

red boxes around book and chapter results

red boxes around journal article results


Step 4:

Click the title to read a short summary (abstract) of the article, book, or chapter.  Then click "Article PDF" to download the entire resource.

red boxes around abstract and article PDF links




  • Pay attention to the publication date of the article.  Physics is an ever-evolving field, and some information may be outdated.  You can use the filters on the left to limit your results to only those published in the last five years.
  • You can also limit by article or book, if you're only interested in one type of source.
    red boxes around publication date and type