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How do I search the JoVE Video Journal databases?

Search for articles with video summaries.

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Search JoVE Video Journals

Step 1:

Access JoVE Video Journal: Chemistry, JoVE Video Journal: Biochemistry, or JoVE Video Journal: Environment. (If you're off-campus, you will be prompted to login with your myPVCC username and password).  


Step 2:

In the search box at the top, enter your search terms.  
Screenshot of JoVE search box


Step 3:

Your results will be divided into two sections: Research and Education.  The "Education" side contains links to "textbook-like" chapters.  Professors often use these in science classes to teach concepts.  They will give you an overview of subject.  If your professor requires journal articles, then you should focus on the links under "Research."  Click on a title to read it.

Screenshot of JoVE search results

Step 4:

At the top of the page, you will see a video.  This gives you a summary of the article and its findings.  Click the play button to watch it.

Screenshot of JoVE video


Step 5:

Click the "Article" tab below the video to read the full text of the article. 

Screenshot of article tab



  • You can download a PDF of the article by clicking "PDF" after you get to the full-text of the article.
    Screenshot of PDF button