Looking for sources? Search EBSCO or QuickSearch.
Access Biological Sciences Collection. (If you're off-campus, you will be prompted to login with your myPVCC username and password)
Enter your search terms in the search box. Select both "Full text" and "Peer reviewed." Full text means that the complete article is available for download in the database. Peer reviewed means the article has been reviewed by several experts in the author's discipline prior to publication. So, it's considered of higher quality. Many Biology professors will require that the sources for your assignment are "scholarly" or "peer reviewed." This filter ensures you only get results from those journals.
Click Search, and review your results. Click the "Abstract/Details" to get a short summary of the article, or click "Full text - PDF" to download the article.
When you reach the article page, you can flip between the "Abstract/Details" tab and the "Full text - PDF" tab. Or click "Download PDF" on the right to download it.