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To find books about theater, go to the library's home page and search under FIND BOOKS.
Look at the image below to see how to set up the search.
To find books about film, go to the library's home page and search under FIND BOOKS.
Look at the image below to see how to set up the search.
Using the library catalog, you can find specific books by keyword, author, and title. Go to the library's home page, and under FIND BOOKS type in keywords, select the type of search (title, author, keyword) from the drop down menu, then click Search.
Note: You do not need the whole title to run a title search. You can use one or more keywords from the title. Example: if you're looking for a a book about Charlie Chaplin, run a title search using those words, and you will find books that have the words "Charlie" and "Chaplin" in the title. See the example below.