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How do I use sources in my essays or speeches?

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How sourcing works: an example

  • Students often try to find sources with information that they can basically repeat on their essays and speeches, or sources that prove the same exact points they're trying to make. This is an ineffective and incorrect way to use sources, and may constitute plagiarism.
  • To use sources effectively, tie them to points/arguments you make in your speech or essay. Each source supports or provides information for something you will be saying in your speech/writing in your essay.  See the example below.

Essay/Speech topic: Cricket (the sport)

What I want to say/discuss/write Source I will use
I want to define what cricket is I will get the definition from this article, titled "Cricket," which comes from Gale eBooks
I want to explain how the game works

These two sources contain descriptions of the game, and I will take some information from each for my speech.

I want to talk about women in cricket.

This source has information about women in cricket:

  • For the love of cricket, by Graham Tarrant
I want to add some statistics about women in cricket

I will get my statistics about women in cricket from this source:

I want to discuss cricket in the USA

These two sources have information about cricket in the USA. I will take some information from each of these.

I want to talk about the outreach program "Cricket for Good"

This site contains information about "Cricket for Good"

I want to argue that playing cricket is more than just fun; it also provides many other benefits. 

This source contains information about the benefits of playing sports. I will apply this information about sports in general to my topic of cricket.