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HUM 201 Assignment Playbook

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Charlottesville, VA 22902

Find academic sources

The library's databases will provide you with enough sources for your projects. See some examples below.


Examples of Databases and Sample Searches:
Database Sample Searches
Gale eBooks (formerly GVRL) Sappho | Divine Comedy | Marcus Aurelius | Greek art
QuickSearch (try subject searches) Seneca | Dante Alighieri | Gospels | Sistine Chapel
EBSCO "allegory of the cave" | Dante AND inferno | Roman religion
Gale Literature Dante AND inferno | Sophocles
Project MUSE Sappho | Greek drama
ARTstor (use for images) Greek vase | Sistine Chapel



Be choosy when you search for web sources, as most websites tend to provide only a shallow treatment of topics, and that is not appropriate for college level work. Evaluate websites carefully  using the CRAAP method.

Below are some websites you could use for your projects (if allowed):

Add a quotation!

It's kind of fun to do the impossible. (Walt Disney)

Looking for a quotation to add to your presentation? To find sources of quotations, go to the library's home page, and under FIND BOOKS, do a title search using the word quotations. See the example below.

example of a title search for books of quotations

The search will find books such as:

  • The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations
  • Hutchinson Dictionary of Quotations
  • Gaither's Dictionary of Scientific Quotations

Citing sources

Use the library's MLA citation playbook to construct your citations.  Do not trust citation generators, even if they are part of a database; they often make mistakes. Learning how to cite from scratch will save you a lot of time in the long run.

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