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Nursing Program Playbook

Conducting Research

If you need to conduct research for your courses or need to study for your NCLEX or find relevant materials for specific topics, your best bet is to use the library's books and databases. The library subscribes to nursing, general healthcare, and science databases that offer high quality information, and maintains an up-to-date collection of nursing books.  You can use the library's home page as your starting point, or consult the different sections of the nursing program playbook.

Find Books

To find books, go to the library's home page and search under FIND BOOKS.  You can search using title, subject, or keyword searches.

screenshot of find books search box


The Keyword search looks for your keywords anywhere in the record (title, author, abstract, etc.)

The Title search looks for keywords in the titles of books

The Author search looks for authors' names

The Subject search looks for keywords in the books' subjects.  (subject = what the book is about). For example, if you'd like to see what nursing books the library has, use the word nursing in the subject line.


Note: If the library doesn't own a book you need, you can request it by filling out the Interlibrary Loan Request form.  The library will then borrow the book from another library.

Find Articles

Use the library's databases to find academic-level articles related to nursing and related topics. See below for a list of preferred databases to use with this assignment. 

Using Websites

As a nursing professional, you should only use websites that are geared towards professionals, not to the general public.  See the selected websites below.

Evaluating Sources