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Nursing Program Playbook

TEAS Exam Study Materials

The Jessup Library has both electronic and physical TEAS study materials available for prospective nursing students.

Online Resources

Students who are in classes at PVCC during the current semester  may access the library's online resources both on and off campus. Off-campus access requires students to sign-in through myVCCS. If students are enrolled for a future semester, they will not be able to access the materials remotely.

Mometrix - TEAS and NCLEX Study Materials

Prospective nursing students who are not currently enrolled in classes may only access the online study materials on campus.

Physical Study Materials

Students who are currently enrolled in classes at PVCC may check out print books with their student ID card. If you are not currently enrolled in classes, you may check out print books with a Virginia photo ID. You may place a hold request for a title that is already checked out by another patron.