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First-Year Momentum: Student Success at PVCC

This guide compiles research relevant to first-year momentum as a part of PVCC's participation in the Achieving the Dream (ATD) network.

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Achieving the Dream

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Achieving the Dream (ATD) is a network of colleges that help institutions "catalyze equitable, anti-racist, and economically vibrant communities through institutional transformation that advances community colleges as profoundly accessible hubs of learning, credentialing, and economic mobility that eliminate inequities in educational and workforce outcomes."

First-Year Momentum: Student Success at PVCC

PVCC chose first-year momentum as its student success focus. First-year momentum, as defined by the Community College Research Center (CCRC), is identified by three leading measures of academic success:

  • Credit momentum—defined as attempting at least 15 semester credits in the first term or at least 30 semester credits in the first academic year.
  • Gateway momentum—defined as taking and passing pathway-appropriate college-level math and college-level English in the first academic year.
  • Program momentum—defined as taking and passing at least nine semester credits in the student’s field of study in the first academic year.