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How do I search Science Magazine?

Search this peer-reviewed journal.

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Search Science Magazine

Step 1:

Access Science Magazine. (If you're off-campus, you will be prompted to login with your myPVCC username and password).  


Step 2:

Click the Search, and then click Advanced Search.

click search then advanced search


Step 3:

Enter your search terms in the search box.

search box

Select Science from the Source drop-down menu.  There are several Science journals published by the AAAS, but PVCC only subscribes to the main one called Science.

select science in source drop down menu


Step 4:

Click "Update Search" and review your results.  Pay attention to the type of source (news, research and reviews, perspectives and commentary), as well as the date.  If your professor wants you to find "peer-reviewed articles," then only look at the "research and reviews."  Also, the date will tell you when it was published, so be careful because an article published many years ago may contain outdated information.

types of sources and date


Step 5:

Click the article title to read it.

article title



  • If you want to download the article, scroll down and look to the right of the article.  Click the "PDF" link.
    PDF link to download article
  • Science Magazine has some great articles about the life sciences, but it is only one journal.  Search our other biology databases or environmental science databases.