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Database List

Select the best database for your research topic.

List of Databases for Biology Topics

EBSCO logo

EBSCO's Databases

A good place to start your research, as this collection of databases cover (almost) all topics. Very powerful search interface, but works just fine with simple searches.  Need help searching EBSCO's Databases?

Biological Science logo

Biological Science Collection

After EBSCO, this is the second best place to find articles for Biology research.  Need help searching Biological Science Collection?
BioOne Complete logo

BioOne Complete

If you strike out in EBSCO or the Biological Science Collection, try this database.  The articles found here probably aren't listed anywhere else.  Need help searching BioOne Complete?

PLoS logo

PLoS (Public Library of Science)

All articles in this database are freely available online.  No login required!  Need help searching PLoS?

Wiley logo

Wiley Online Library

This is also a broad database that covers many subjects like EBSCO. Need help searching Wiley Online Library?

Cambridge University Press logo

Cambridge Core Journals

This is a broad database that covers many subjects: the humanities, social sciences and science, technology and medicine.  

Visible Body

Taking an A&P or Nursing class?  This database provides a virtual 3D model of the human body that lets you virtually dissect and identify its parts.  Want to download the mobile app?

Nature logo


Search for articles from Nature magazine, a highly-respected, peer-reviewed journal.  Need help searching Nature?

Science Magazine logo

Science Magazine

Search for articles from Science magazine, another highly-respected, peer-reviewed journal.  Need help searching Science Magazine?

EBSCO logo

Nursing and Allied Health eBook Collection

From clinical guides and evidence-based practice manuals, to practical handbooks and professional growth titles, this e-book collection provides researchers the information they need to provide outstanding care. (EBSCO)

Not finding what you need?  Access other databases for biology research.

Biology Playbooks

The library creates "playbooks" for research.  In sports, teams have playbooks that help them win the game. At PVCC, the library has playbooks that help you "win" at research.  Check them out:

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