Looking for sources? Search EBSCO or QuickSearch.
You can use the library's home page to conduct your research. Each section of the home page has a search box that will take you to different resources.
This section will take you to topic overviews. When you need background information and topic overviews, use the search box in this section. See the screenshot below. You can also use books to find background information.
This section lets you search the library's book catalog. You can search by title, author, or keyword. See the screenshot below.
This section's search box searches for articles in the EBSCO databases. There is also a link to search the JSTOR database. See the screenshot below.
The FIND MORE area contains links to the most popular library playbooks, and also 3 blue buttons that connect you to the list of playbooks, the list of databases, and a way to find help if you need it. See the screenshot below.
Click on the links below to access additional resources.