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ENG 111 & 112 Course Playbook

This playbook contains resources and information for ENG 112 students and faculty.

Comparison of the MLA and APA styles

Comparison of MLA and APA Styles:
MLA Style APA Style
List of citations is called Works Cited List of citations is called References
Parenthetical citations must include author's last name, and page number(s) if available. Example: (Williams 27). Parenthetical citations must include author's last name and year of publication. Example: (Williams, 2009). Page numbers, if available, are used only for materials in quotation marks. Use p. for one page and pp. for a range. Example: (Williams, 2009, pp. 2-9).
Book titles in italics; capitalizes every important word in title and subtitle. Example: Brewing Justice: Fair Trade Coffee, Sustainability, and Survival. Book titles in italics; capitalizes only the first word in the title, the first word in the subtitle, acronyms, and proper nouns. Example: Brewing justice: Fair trade coffee, sustainability, and survival.
Article titles in quotation marks: "Coffee Consumption and Cardiovascular Health."  Capitalization rules are the same as for book titles. Journal article titles without quotation marks; capitalization rules are the same as for book titles. Example: Coffee consumption and cardiovascular health.
First author listed as last name, first name. Example: Welty, Eudora. Second author listed as first name, last name. Example: Harris, Ellen, and Susan Smith. If more than two authors, list only first author followed by "et al." Example: Kramer, Rebecca, et al. Authors listed as last name, initial(s). Example: Welty, E. Lists all authors (up to 20); an ampersand (&) precedes the last author.
Requires the name of the database an article was retrieved from, and a stable URL to the article. Does not list the name of the database or the date of access.

If a DOI is available, it is used instead of a URL. Note that the whole URL is used, including the prefix (https://).


Requires DOI if available. Example:

For journal articles without a DOI, a URL is added. The URL points to the page where the pertinent journal volume is.

Year of publication is located towards the end of the citation. Year of publication follows the name(s) of the author(s).
Common knowledge information (information almost everyone in the target audience should know), is not cited. Common knowledge information (information almost everyone in the target audience should know), is not cited.
All entries on the Works Cited list must end with a period. Entries on the References list end with a period, except after a URL or DOI.
Visit the MLA style playbook.  Visit the APA style playbook 


Video: Introduction to the APA Style

Video: MLA vs. APA