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To narrow a topic is to make it more specific. Before you go on, review the information about narrowing a topic from Research Skills I.
Ways to narrow a topic:
Restrict the topic to a... | Broad topic | Narrower topic |
...specific aspect | Marijuana | Economic benefits of legalizing marijuana |
...specific time period | Battle strategies | Battle strategies during the Revolutionary War |
...specific event | Volcanoes | Pompeii volcano eruption |
...specific geographic area | Wildfires | Impact of California wildfires on wine production |
...specific problem/question | Social media | Can Instagram increase anxiety in adolescents? |
Activity: Narrow these topics
Restrict the topic to a... | Broad topic | Narrower topic |
...specific aspect | Music education | |
...specific time period | Automobiles | |
...specific event | Shipwrecks | |
...specific geographic area | Funeral customs | |
...specific problem/question | Video games |
Watch this ResearchMinute video to learn how to narrow topics.