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Linking to Library Resources

Learn how to create links to articles and journals that always work.

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Ask a Librarian @
Betty Sue Jessup Library

501 College Drive
Charlottesville, VA 22902

How to Add Links to Canvas

  1. Select the module in your Canvas course where you want to create the link.  Click the + button next to the module.
    add button in Canvas
  2. From the dropdown menu of the pop-up, select "External URL."
  3. URL: Enter the permalink you pulled from the database.  (See pages in the playbook 1. Find Links and 2. Edit the URL.)
  4. Page Name: Enter the title of the article, video, or ebook.
  5. Check the "Load in new tab" box.  This is VERY important!  The e-resource will NOT load properly if this box is not checked.
  6. Indent: Make your selection. The links will work no matter what you select here.
    add item menu in canvas
  7. Click Add Item.
  8. Make sure to click the "Unpublish" icons for the both the module and the link itself to activate the link so students can click on it.
    canvas unpublish icon

    canvas published green icon