Looking for sources? Search EBSCO or QuickSearch.
Find the resource in a database, and look for a link to a "permalink," "bookmark," or "durable link".
For many databases, you cannot just copy and paste the URL in your browser to link back to a resource. That URL will often contain information that is particular to your session, a.k.a. this exact moment that you accessed the resource. It won't work if you try to type that in tomorrow. So, you must create a "permalink" or a "permanent link" to the article or video. Many databases will automatically generate this for you. Once you reach the citation page, look for "permalink" or "bookmark" or "share" or "embed/link." This special link will remove any session information and include PVCC's proxy information.
Only these databases have correct permalinks:
Alexander Street Press databases (except HarpWeek)
Docuseek (Click Embed)
ProQuest databases - Copy the document URL on the Abstract/Details page.
1. From your results list in EBSCO, click on the article title you wish to link to in your Canvas course.
2. When the full article / record appears - click on the Permalink option from the Tools menu on the right.
3. When the Permalink window appears near the top of the article title, highlight, copy, and paste the Permalink into your Canvas course. Note the PVCC proxy prefix is in front of the EBSCO link. Click on the image below to go to the article from the Academic Search Complete database.
4. That's it! There is no need to edit the URL because the proxy prefix is in front of the link. EBSCO makes it super easy!
If you cannot find a link with the proxy information included, add the proxy prefix in front of the URL. That prefix is: http://ezpvcc.vccs.edu/login?url=
If this URL proxy does not work, then try PVCC's secure URL proxy:
Databases whose URLs must be edited:
NOTE: Factiva is currently experiencing problems. After you create the permalink, click it, and login, it won't work. You need to click it a second time to get to the article off-campus. The Systems Office in Richmond is working to fix this.
Factiva does not provide permalinks. You can, however, generate the URL with the proxy information manually by pasting the article's accession number to the generator below. You can find accession number at the bottom left corner of the article.
Example of a Factiva accession number (starts after "Document"):