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*A citation to website content can often be limited to a mention in the text (“As of February 1, 2023, the McDonald’s Corporation listed on its website . . .”). If a more formal citation is desired, it may be styled as in the examples below. Because such content is subject to change, include an access date or, if available, a date that the site was last modified. In the absence of a date of publication, use the access date or last-modified date as the basis of the citation. IN-TEXT CITATION: (Web site author Year)
*For more information, see Chicago Manual of Style sections 15.50-15.52 |
Webpages |
*If there is no publication or revision date, use an access date. Record n.d. as the date of publication in the in-text citation and reference list. IN-TEXT CITATION: (Author Year)
REFERENCE LIST: Author last name, first name. Last modified year. "Title." Website Title. Last modified Month Day, Year. URL.
*Chicago Manual of Style section 15.50 |