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*Social media citations usually only appear as in-text citations (view first example). If the social media citation is a central part of the paper, then a formal note and bibliography entry may be added. Otherwise, the citation should only appear in the sentence. Quote up to 160 characters of the post in the title. Example of Twitter citation: Conan O'Briens' tweet was characteristically deadpan: "In honor of Earth Day, I'm recycling my tweets (@ConanOBrien, April 22, 2015)." Only use a formal citation if the social media post is examined extensively. FIRST NOTE: Creator’s first & last name (@username), “Title,” Social media platform, Month Day, Year, URL.
SUBSEQUENT NOTE: Creator's last name (@username), "Shortened Title."
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Creator’s last name, first name (@username). “Title.” Social media platform, Month Day, Year. URL.
FIRST NOTE: Creator’s first & last name, “Title of Post,” Social media platform, Month Day, Year, URL.
SUBSEQUENT NOTE: Creator's last name, "Shortened Title."
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Creator's last name, first name. "Title of Post." Social media platform, Month Day, Year. URL.
*Chicago Manual of Style section 14.209 |
FIRST NOTE: Creator’s first & last name (@username), “Title,” Social media platform and description (if relevant), Month Day, Year, URL.
SUBSEQUENT NOTE: Creator’s last name (username if available), “Shortened title.”
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Creator’s last name, first name (screenname if available). “Title.” Social media platform, Month Day, Year. URL.