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NOTE | Use the examples below to format your citations. For more specific information about how to cite social media in MLA style, see this article written by the Modern Language Association. |
Tweet (Twitter post) |
Username. "Text of the Tweet." Twitter, Date, Time, URL. @persianwiki. "We have report of large street battles in east & west of Tehran now - #Iranelection." Twitter, 23 June 2009, 11:15 a.m., twitter.com/persianwiki/status/2298106072. |
Facebook status update/Facebook page |
Author Name (or Username). "Title of Status Update or Facebook Page." Facebook, Date of Publication, URL. Pinker, Steven. "Timeline." Facebook, 2 Sept. 2011, www.facebook.com/stevenpinkerpage/. Gaiman, Neil. "Please Celebrate Leap Year in the Traditional Manner." Facebook, 29 Feb. 2012, www.facebook.com/neilgaiman/posts/10150574185041016. Note: If the post has no title, use a few words from the beginning of the post as the title. |
Instagram post |
Author Name (or Username). "Title of post." Instagram, date, URL. Chabon, Michael. “#rip Milton Glaser. I grew up in his work. So hard to pick a favorite, maybe this, which also features one of the many awesome typefaces he designed, Baby Teeth. #mahaliajackson #miltonglaser.” Instagram, 28 June 2020, www.instagram.com/p/CB-E9gngVwo/. Notes:
Instagram photograph |
Author Name. Description of photograph. Instagram, date, URL. Thomas, Angie. Photo of burned copy of The Hate U Give. Instagram, 4 Dec. 2018, www.instagram.com/p/Bq_PaXKgqPw/. |
Instagram video |
Author Name [handle]. Description of video. Instagram, date, URL. Hamilton Videos [@hamilton.vods]. Video of King George in Hamilton. Instagram, 5 July 2020, www.instagram.com/p/CCPEUJLDz0l/. |
Instagram profile |
Author Name. "Posts." Instagram, year, URL. Gay, Roxane. “Posts.” Instagram, 2020, www.instagram.com/roxanegay74/. |
Instagram highlight |
Author Name. "Title of Highlight." Instagram, Year, URL. Guggenheim Museum. “People.” Instagram, 2020, www.instagram.com/stories/highlights/17850044881917911/. |
Instagram story |
Author Name. Story description. Instagram, date, URL. The Museum of Modern Art. Image of Fernand Léger’s The Three Musicians. Instagram, 14 July 2020, www.instagram.com/stories/themuseumofmodernart/2353246125954046321. |
TikTok video |
Author Name [handle]. "Title or description of video." Tiktok, year, URL. Lilly [@uvisaa]. “[I]f u like dark academia there’s a good chance you’ve seen my tumblr #darkacademia.” TikTok, 2020, www.tiktok.com/@uvisaa/video/6815708894900391173. |
Tiktok profile |
Author Name. "Videos." TikTok, year, URL. Keys, Alicia. “Videos.” TikTok, 2020, www.tiktok.com/@aliciakeys?lang=en. |
Discussion board post |
Author Name (or Username). "Subject Line of Discussion Post." Web Site Title, Date of Publication, URL. DePino, Logan. "My Board Game Rules." BoardGame Geek, 6 June 2016, boardgamegeek.com/thread/1586834/my-board-games-rules. |