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One author |
FIRST NOTE: Author's first & last names, Book Title (City of Publication: Publisher, Year), page numbers.
SUBSEQUENT NOTES: Author's last name, Shortened Book Title, page number.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Author's last name, first name. Book Title. City of Publication: Publisher, Year.
Two or three authors |
*Include all authors in the first note, subsequent note, and bibliography. Only the first author’s name is inverted in the bibliography. FIRST NOTE: First author's first & last names and second author's first & last names, Book Title (City of Publication: Publisher, Year), page numbers.
SUBSEQUENT NOTES: First author's last name and second author's last name, Shortened Book Title, page numbers.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: First author's last name, first name, and second author's first & last names. Book Title. City of Publication: Publisher, Year.
Four or more authors |
*If a source has four or more authors, include only the first author in-text, followed by et al. (Latin for “and others”). List up to ten authors in the bibliography; for more than ten authors, include only the first seven in the bibliography, followed by et al. FIRST NOTE: First author's first & last names et al., Book Title (City of Publication: Publisher, Year), page numbers.
SUBSEQUENT NOTES: First author's last name et al., Shortened Book Title, page number.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: First author's last name, first name, additional author's first & last names. Book Title. City of Publication: Publisher, Year.
Edited, translated, or compiled work (no author) |
*List the name(s) of the editor(s), translator(s), or compiler(s) when no author appears on the title page. Use the abbreviation ed. or eds., trans., comp. or comps. following the name. FIRST NOTE: Editor/Translator/Compiler first & last names, ed./trans./comp., Book Title (City of Publication: Publisher, Year), page numbers.
SUBSEQUENT NOTES: Editor/Translator/Compiler's last name, Shortened Book Title, page number.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Editor/Translator/Compiler's last name, first name, ed./trans./comp. Book Title. City of Publication: Publisher, Year.
Edited, translated, or compiled work (with author) |
*List the author’s name first and then include the name(s) of the editor(s), translator(s), or compiler(s), preceded by edited by or ed., compiled by or comp., or translated by or trans. Only spell out edited by, compiled by, or translated by in the bibliography. Use the abbreviations in the notes. FIRST NOTE: Author's first & last names, Book Title, ed./trans./comp. Editor/Translator/Compiler's first & last names (City of Publication: Publisher, Year), page numbers.
SUBSEQUENT NOTES: Author's last name, Shortened Book Title, page number.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Author's last name, first name. Book Title. Edited/Translated by Editor/Translator's first & last names. City of Publication: Publisher, Year.
*Chicago Manual of Style section 14.104 |
Chapter or part of a book |
*In the notes, cite specific page numbers. In the bibliography, include the full page range for the chapter or part of the book. FIRST NOTE: Author's first & last names, "Chapter or Essay title," in Book Title, ed. Editor's first & last names (City of Publication: Publisher, Year), page numbers.
SUBSEQUENT NOTES: Author's last name, "Shortened Chapter title," page numbers.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Author's last name, first name. "Chapter or essay title." In Book Title, edited by Editor's first & last names, page numbers. City of Publication: Publisher, Year.
*Chicago Manual of Style section 14.106 |
Chapter in an edited volume originally published elsewhere (Reprint) |
FIRST NOTE: Author's first & last names, "Chapter or Essay title," in Book Title, ed. Editor's first & last names, vol. number of Series Title, ed. Editor's first & last names (City of Publication: Publisher, Year), page numbers.
SUBSEQUENT NOTES: Author's last name, "Shortened Chapter or essay title," page numbers.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Author's last name, first name. "Chapter or essay title." In Book Title, edited by Editor's first & last names. Vol. number of Series Title, edited by Editor's first & last names, page numbers. City of Publication: Publisher, Year. Originally published in Editor/Translator's name, ed./trans., Book Title, vol. number (City of Publication: Publisher, Year).
*Chicago Manual of Style section 14.106, 14.114, 14.120 |
Preface, foreward, or introduction of a book |
*If the title uses a generic term such as preface, introduction, or foreward, add the term in lowercase before the title. If the author of the section is someone other than the primary author, include them first. The primary author of the book would then follow the title of the book. See below for examples: FIRST NOTE: Author of introduction's first & last names, introduction/preface to Book Title, by author of book's first & last names (City of Publication: Publisher, Year), page numbers.
SUBSEQUENT NOTES: Author of introduction's last name, introduction to Shortened Book Title, page numbers.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Author of introduction's last name, first name. Introduction/preface to Book Title, by author of book's first & last names, page numbers. City of Publication: Publisher, Year.
*Chicago Manual of Style section 14.110 |
Reference works, print |
*Well-known reference books (e.g., Encyclopedia Britannica) can be cited in the footnotes and left out of the bibliography. For lesser-known reference works, include the publication details like other books. References to an alphabetically arranged work cite the item (not the volume or page numbers) preceded by s.v. (sub verbo, Latin for “under the word”). FIRST NOTE: Reference Work Title, edition (year), s.v. “word.”
SUBSEQUENT NOTE: Reference Work Title, s.v. "word."
BIBLIOGRAHY: *Usually omitted. If the reference work is lesser-known, cite it like any other book resource. *Chicago Manual of Style sections 14.232-234 |
Reference works, online |
*Well-known reference works (e.g., Merriam-Webster or Wikipedia) can be cited in the footnotes and left out of the bibliography. Reference works consulted online are cited in notes like print editions and include a posted publication or revision date. If none is available, provide an access date. Include a URL as the last element. FIRST NOTE: Reference Work Title, edition (year), s.v. “word.”
SUBSEQUENT NOTE: Reference Work Title, s.v. "word."
BIBLIOGRAHY: *Usually omitted *Chicago Manual of Style sections 14.232-234 |
E-Book | *Include the name of the application or device used to read or acquire the book. If the book is consulted online, use a URL. If no fixed page numbers are available, include a section title or chapter number.
Only include an access date if your instructor requires it. FIRST NOTE: Author first & last names, Book Title (City of Publication: Publisher, Year), E-book format OR accessed date, URL.
SUBSEQUENT NOTES: Author's last name, Shortened Book Title, page numbers or chapter number, if applicable.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Author last name, first name. Book Title. City of Publication: Publisher, Year. E-book format OR accessed date. URL.
*Chicago Manual of Style sections 14.159-163 |
Audiobook |
*If the reader and author are the same, replace “read by first & last name” with “read by the author.” FIRST NOTE: Author’s first & last name, Book Title, read by first & last name (City: Publisher, year), medium, running time.
SUBSEQUENT NOTE: Author’s last name, Shortened Book Title, time stamp.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Author’s last name, first name. Book Title. Read by first name & last name. City: Publisher, year. Medium, running time.
*Chicago Manual of Style section 14.264 |