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Citation Styles Playbook

The purpose of this playbook is to help you cite the sources used in your academic research.


MLA Citation Style for Miscellaneous Sources:
TV Show

"Episode Title." Series Title, season #, episode #, Network, Broadcast Date.

"Under the Gun." Pretty Little Liars, season 4, episode 6, ABC Family, 16 July 2013.

TV Show on the Web

"Episode Title."  Series Title, season #, episode #, Network, Broadcast Date. Name of Streaming Service, URL.

"Under the Gun." Pretty Little Liars, season 4, episode 6, ABC Family, 16 July 2013.  Hulu,

Online video clip

Author name or Username. "Title of Video." Web Site Title, Date, URL.

Astley, Rick. "Never Gonna Give You Up." YouTube, 25 Oct. 2009,

Video/DVD recording

Film Title. Directed by Director's First name Last name, performance by main actor, name of distribution company, release date.

Ripley's Game. Directed by Liliana Cavani, performance by John Malkovitch, New Line Home Video, 2004.

Artwork in a museum (viewed in person or online)

In person:

Bearden, Romare. The Train. 1975, Museum of Modern Art, New York.

Vermeer, Johannes. The Lacemaker. 1669, 1670. The Louvre.


Bearden, Romare. The Train. 1975. MOMA,

Vermeer, Johannes. The Lacemaker. 1669, 1670. The Louvre,


Image reproduced in a book

In the text:

In describing the influences of Byzantine and Levantine silks on Anglo-Saxon art, C. R. Dodwell includes an image from the Bayeux Tapestry depicting two beasts eating their own tales (fig. 45, p. 169).

In the Works Cited section:

Dodwell, C. R. Anglo-Saxon Art: A New Perspective. Cornell UP, 1982.

Image reproduced in a periodical

In the text:

Adoration of the Mystic Lamb is the central panel of an altarpiece painted by Hubert and Jan van Eyck for the Cathedral of Saint Bavo, in Ghent (Connolly, fig. 1, p. 102).

In the Works Cited section:

Connolly, Thomas C. “Primitive Passions, Blinding Visions: Arthur Rimbaud’s ‘Mystique’ and a Tradition of Mystical Ekphrasis.” PMLA, vol. 132, no. 1, Jan. 2017, pp. 101–18.


Example of published interview:

Saro-Wiwa, Ken. "English Is the Hero." Interview with Diri I. Teilanyo. No Condition is Permanent: Nigerian Writing and the Struggle for Democracy, edited by Holger Ehling and Claus-Peter Holste-von Mutius, Rodopi, 2001, pp. 13-19.

Example of interview conducted by the researcher:

Walcott, Derek. Interview. By Susan Lang. 22 Oct. 2002.

Source: Modern Language Association

Note: Some instructors prefer to format the personal interview differently than the Modern Language Association (see below for an example).  You should always respect your instructor's preferences.

Walcott, Derek. Personal interview. 22 Oct. 2002.

Lecture or other address

Author Last name, First name. "Title." Event Name, Date, Location. Type.

Smith, Susan. "Ten Tips for Student Success." Welcome Week, 21 Aug. 2017. Piedmont Virginia Community College, Charlottesville. Address.

Class handout or another unpublished document

Author Last name, First name. "Document Title."  Year. Description of document.

Jackson, Jonas. "Midterm Review." 2016. Class handout.

Allen, Carrie. "Comma Usage." 2016. Class notes for ENG 101.

If there is no title, cite without it.

Thompson, Susan. Class handout. 2016.

Materials uploaded to Canvas, with author and title:

Levine, Caroline. "Hierarchy." Canvas, uploaded by Mary Smith, 10 Oct. 2017,

If the material doesn't have a title, use a description:

French verb conjugations. Canvas, uploaded by Valerie Marneffe, 6 Sept. 2017,

Digital file (PDF, Word file, MP3, etc.) not online

Author Last name, First name. "Document Title" (or description). Date. File format.

Hamilton, Grace. Lecture on Edgar Allan Poe. 2016. MP3.

Bible, Qu'ran, and other holy works

Begin the citation with the title of the work. Optional: the name of the version can be recorded after the title.

The Holy Bible. Standard Version. Crossway-Good News, 2003.

The Qu'ran: A New Translation. Translated by Abdel Haleem, Oxford UP, 2008.

US Congress report, bill, or resolution, print

Government Agency. Document Title. Publisher, Date of Publication.

United States, Congress, House, Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Al-Qaeda: The Many Faces of an Islamist Extremist Threat. Government Printing Office, 2006.

US Congress report, bill, or resolution, Web

These reports, bills, or resolutions will normally be a PDF document. Follow the example above but add the URL for the PDF document.

United States, Congress, House, Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Al-Qaeda: The Many Faces of an Islamist Extremist Threat. Government Printing Office, 2006,

Official document from NGO or international organization, print.

Agency. Document Title. Publisher, Date of Publication.

Greenpeace. Turtles Under Threat: Why the World's Ultimate Ocean Wanderers Need Protection. Greenpeace International, Jan 2020.

Note: This type of report is typically in PDF format. It is a standalone source and cited like a book.

Official document from NGO or international organization, Web

Agency. Document Title. Publisher, Date of Publication, URL.

Greenpeace. Turtles Under Threat: Why the World's Ultimate Ocean Wanderers Need Protection. Greenpeace International, Jan 2020,

Note: This type of report is typically in PDF format. It is a standalone source and cited like a book, with the addition of the URL where the source can be found.

Legal citations The Modern Language Association recommends that students and scholars working in nonlegal fields use the MLA citation style to cite legal materials. To learn more, see the section on legal citations.