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Database List

Select the best database for your research topic.

List of Databases for Criminal Justice Topics

EBSCO logo

EBSCO's Databases

A good place to start your research, as this collection of databases cover (almost) all topics. Very powerful search interface, but works just fine with simple searches.  Need help searching EBSCO's Databases?

Wiley logo

Wiley Online Library

This is also a broad database that covers many subjects like EBSCO. Need help searching Wiley Online Library?


This comprehensive database of legal materials includes federal and state statutes, codes, regulations, and case law materials.  It is used by lawyers around the country.  Need help searching Westlaw?

HeinOnline Logo

HeinOnline Academic

This database provides access to articles from legal journals, case law, and congressional documents. It is a great resource if you are researching criminal justice.  Need help searching HeinOnline?

Not finding what you need?  Access other databases for criminal justice research.

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