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Database List

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List of Databases for Sociology Topics

EBSCO logo

EBSCO's Databases

A good place to start your research, as this collection of databases cover (almost) all topics. Very powerful search interface, but works just fine with simple searches.  Need help searching EBSCO's Databases?

Wiley logo

Wiley Online Library

This is also a broad database that covers many subjects like EBSCO. Need help searching Wiley Online Library?

JSTOR logo


This is a fantastic database for sociology topics.  Need help searching JSTOR?

Cambridge University Press logo

Cambridge Core Journals

This is a broad database that covers many subjects: the humanities, social sciences and science, technology and medicine.  

African Books Collective

African Books Collective (ABC) is an African-owned mission-based distribution outlet for books published independently in Africa.

GALE logo

Archives of Sexuality & Gender: LGBTQ History Since 1940 (Part I & II)

This database contains primary source material (not articles) related to LGBTQIA+ people, groups, organizations, and topics since 1940.

Alexander Street Press logo

Disability in the Modern World: History of a Social Movement

One person in seven experiences disability, yet the story of this community and its contributions is largely absent from the scholarly record. Access to the primary and secondary source materials within this collection enables you to include this important piece of the puzzle in your research. (Alexander Street)

Not finding what you need?  Access other databases for sociology research.

Sociology Playbooks

The library creates "playbooks" for research.  In sports, teams have playbooks that help them win the game. At PVCC, the library has playbooks that help you "win" at research. Why use assignment specific playbooks?

  • They contain information related to specific assignments
  • They clarify the assignment instructions and requirements
  • They provide links to specific materials/journals/books/etc. that may be required by your instructor

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