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Database List

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List of Databases for English & Literature Topics

EBSCO logo

EBSCO's Databases

A good place to start your research, as this collection of databases cover (almost) all topics. Very powerful search interface, but works just fine with simple searches.  Need help searching EBSCO's Databases?

Gale Literary Sources logo

Gale Literature

Are you researching a novel and need articles that discuss the novel (aka "criticism")?  This is the best place to find those types of articles.  It searches several databases at once, including Literature Resource Center, Gale Literature Criticism, Scribner Writer's Series, and Twayne's Author Series.  Need help searching Gale Literature?

Bloom's Ebook logo

Bloom's Literary Criticism Ebook Collection

For 60 years, Harold Bloom wrote and edited books that discussed important novels.  His books have some of the best literature criticism out there.  Search this database for your novel and look through the table of contents to find chapters with a good discussion of themes and characters.  Need help searching Bloom's Literary Criticism Ebook Collection?

JSTOR logo


This database contains some literature criticism.  It also a great database for general topics in history, philosophy, and religion.  Need help searching JSTOR?

MLA International Bibliography Logo

MLA International Bibliography with Full Text

The MLA International Bibliography contains information on literature, including criticism, from around the world. It a great choice for literature classes. 

Project MUSE logo

Project MUSE

This is another database that has some literature criticism, as well as articles on topics in history, philosophy, and religion.  Need help searching Project MUSE?

Wiley logo

Wiley Online Library

This is also a broad database that covers many subjects like EBSCO. Need help searching Wiley Online Library?

Cambridge University Press logo

Cambridge Core Journals

This is a broad database that covers many subjects: the humanities, social sciences and science, technology and medicine.  

Digital Theatre Plus logo

Digital Theatre+

Digital Theatre+ is the world’s leading educational platform for the study of performing arts and dramatic texts. Digital Theatre+ guides the learning experience with access to an ever-growing library of productions, workshops, interviews and analysis.

OED logo

Oxford English Dictionary (OED)

The definitive dictionary of the English language.  Look up a word now!  In addition to containing definitions, the OED also provides information on word origins and quotations showing the history of a word's meaning.  Need help searching the Oxford English Dictionary?

Not finding what you need?  Access other databases for English research.

English & Literature Playbooks

The library creates "playbooks" for research.  In sports, teams have playbooks that help them win the game. At PVCC, the library has playbooks that help you "win" at research.  Check them out:

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